< insert lame excuse here >
I'm sorry. The truth is, I've been procrastinating. God, I love using big words. They make me feel so smart and superior and .. okay, shut it.
{Forgive me, pretty pretty please ?}
via Weheartit
The bottom line is :
New year = New Look
But not for me, silly. Although I could use a haircut of some sort but I'm not really set on what I want just yet and I really just wanna grow my hair long so, you know .. and .. okay, shut it.
I plan on changing my blog theme for a 3-column template. I find that there's never enough room for all the things I wanna add on the sidebar.. and it doesn't help that I have the longest blogroll ever .. but ya know, I love you bloggies.
I haven't picked it out yet but I'm sure it'll still be girly and I hope you'll like it enough to keep coming back around here. Please don't get lost ..
2010, Here I come bitches !