The three imperative "F"s :
F*ckin' Fabulous !
F*ckin' Fabulous !
That's my new motto, for the summer. Why you ask ?
Why not, I say. Because I can, Because I want to, Because I will be.
I'm tired of being depressed.
I'm tired of being tired.
It's time to be happy now.
I'm 25 years old.
I'm healthy.
I'm happy.
and I'm pretty.
Yay !*
*Fine, maybe I overdid it when I decided to have a coffee at 10pm. Oh well.
I have a new list up on Shoptopia :

That means following the three "F"s this summer, Bloggies.
If you're happily married : Flirt with your husband !
If you're self-conscious : Challenge yourself to act confident and have fun with it !
No more excuses, just be happy.
Just do it.
Yes, that means now :)